
The Guam Coral Reef Resilience Strategy (GRRS) was developed collaboratively by the Guam Coral Reef Initiative, which includes partners from local and federal agencies, research institutions, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. The goal is to enhance the resilience of Guam's coral reef ecosystems and human communities to the impacts of climate change by 2025.

Link to the Guam Coral Reef Resilience Strategy 

GHRA produced Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Practices (STEP) Guidelines for Hotels to provide best practices and guidelines to serve as an important tool for the Engineering and Environmental Committee, GHRA members, and businesses on Guam. STEP will create a benchmark and set standards for the industry. By incorporating STEP, businesses will minimize and avoid environmental damage while ensuring compliance with regulatory agencies, work towards a more sustainable future and increase efficiency, effectiveness and profitability.

Link to the STEP Guidelines for Hotels

In 2011, GHRA partnered with the Guam Environmental Protection Agency to provide training on new pesticide regulations for basic training A, B and C. Public Law 30-197 updated Guam’s pesticide regulations after 30 years and went into effect October 2011. Workshops, trainings and certifications were completed for thousands of industry employees.